February 26, 2010

When I'm Frustrated...

Like anyone else, I can safely say that not everything in my life goes exactly the way I want it to. But what do I do when things don't match up like I think they ought to? Do I get mad at the world, and pout? Do I constantly complain until until I get my way? Do I display a lack of self-control and throw things?

Everyone deals with frustration in their own way. Personally, I don't throw things, I usually don't complain, and I try to look at the positive side of things. Yes, I am a "half-full" kind of guy. I like to think that everything that happens in life is a blessing in disguise. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but I believe it.

Here's a list of three things that you can do when you get frustrated:

1.) Walk away from everything you are currently doing in a manor that isn't giving off negative vibes, and keep silent for at least 3 minutes.

2.) Separate from the situation and do something you absolutely love doing for at least 5 minutes.

3.) Finally, learn what kinds of things frustrate you, and try not to be the cause of these situations. If it arises, try to change the subject.

The key is not to give up! As soon as we realize that we can do anything we put our minds to, the easier it will be to live out God's plan for our lives, and learn how to stay positive about anything that comes our way!

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