February 5, 2010

Owl City Concert: The Real Story

I can't stand not doing everything right. Everytime God gives me a simple test it's like I failed it and fall flat on my face begging for forgiveness. I don't know why we couldn't all just be perfect little robots all doing the will of God sometimes. But wait. I guess that WOULD get boring.

Blake is an awesome mentor, because he always finds a way to get the point across without saying anything. He's got me reading a book called Exploring Worship and yes, if you follow my blog you'll know that I've been reading this book for a long time. But it's funny how things can just pop out at you. The other day Owl City was having a concert at the Music Farm in Charleston and I got tickets for Christmas. I was so excited to go, and a few days before I wanted to re-schedule band practice in order to allow me to attend (because the concert was on the same night as band practice). Well to make a long story short, Whitney (who is another amazing mentor talked with me, and we bother decided that it wasn't such a smart idea.

Bring the whole story back together again, the book that I'm reading talks about the very thing that I struggled with. The author suggests that a real worship leader won't put his team in second place. So case in point, if I would have just read the book like Blake had originally asked me to, I wouldn't have gotten into such a blunder. It's funny how the Holy Spirit works.

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