January 28, 2010

English Class

So. Here I am sitting in my English class and blogging. Wow! What a surprise. Were working on a paper on a character from The Glass Menagerie, and I'm not quite motivated enough to make an effort on it. Yesterday I starting working on a new song idea and the cool part is that it's written for piano. I like the fact that it has a Coldplay kinda feel and I'm excited to see where it goes!

Last night was the celebration party for Pastor Mark in The Zone and it was fun. There was free food, drinks, and lots of friends to keep me company. What more could you ask for?

Chapel is in a few minutes and I'm nervous, as usual. I'm hoping that blogging before it will calm me down. We're doing songs that I am very familiar with, so I doubt I'll forget the words, but who knows. To God be the glory!

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