We've all read it. It says to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). The only way to make a disciple of Jesus Christ is for them to be completly converted. It's not until we are asked the simple question "Can you effectively witness to someone?" that our hearts are fully put in check to realize one thing: we can't. I'm not saying this is the only way to witness, but it's a few steps that my mentor has described in my discipleship class.
Step 1: Aknowledgement of God
a.) I know God; He's the creator of us and the earth; just look around for testimonies of God's existance
Step 2: Aknowledge The Sin Which Was Commited
a.) Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden; Genises 3 proves it
Step 3: Seperation
a.) b/c of sin we're seperated from God; Adam and Eve walked with God, but when they sinned they were immediatly seperated from Him
Step 4: Atonement
a.) Jesus Christ willing died as a sacrifice for us; without His choice we would all be in Hell
Step 5: Forgivenes
a.) The only way to forgiveness is to aknowledge Christ
The New Testiment also tells us we should have boldness when sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Eph. 6:19-20)
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